Monday, August 11, 2014

Case Study No. 1500: Violet Voss

Wishbringer for the Apple II
Came also out for:

Amstrad CPC
Atari 8-bit
Atari ST
Commodore 64
TRS-80 CoCo

Game description:

In this game, the player controls a postal clerk in the small fishing village of Festeron. The postmaster, Mr. Crisp, orders the player to deliver an envelope to the owner of Ye Olde Magick Shoppe. However, this seemingly innocent task inexplicably leads to a strange phenomenon: as the hero steps out, he finds that Festeron has been mysteriously transformed into a dark, ominous town called Witchville. Even cute little poodles have turned into hellhounds! Finding the Wishbringer, a stone that grants seven wishes to those who possess the right objects, seems like the only solution - or is it?

Wishbringer is a text adventure set in the Zork universe. The player types in commands to navigate the character, interact with the game world, and solve puzzles. The game has a rather open-ended structure, with many situations possessing several solutions; the player can opt for a "magical" approach to the tasks, using the titular stone, or attempt to solve the game in a more straightforward way.

What I think:

A really nice game...but hey, it's Infocom, so what to expect? ;)
Tags: Wishbringer Apple II ][ // AppleII, Apple][ Apple// Apple2
Added: 2 years ago
From: Highretrogamelord89
Views: 170

Time 3:00 pm

"Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"

Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of Thermofax.

Only your Magick sword can save you now. You swing it high, speak the Word and stand unhurt as the blade absorbs the searing dragon-breath.

The reptile bellows with rage and flaps its wings to fan the fire in its belly. You are advancing, sword poised to strike, when a familiar voice shatters the daydream and stays your mighty hand ...

Interactive Fantasy for Beginners
Copyright (C)1985 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Wishbringer is a trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Release 68 / Serial Number 850501


You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Festeron.

To the south stands the Festeron Post Office. It's a little brick building with a neatly-trimmed lawn. The Post Office door stands invitingly open.

Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost nearby.

Somebody inside the Post Office is calling you.

Okay, what do you want to do now?


Post Office

This is the lobby of the Festeron Post Office. The walls are lined with small, private mailboxes and wanted posters. A service counter runs along the entire length of the room.

Your boss, Mr. Crisp, is behind the service counter reading other people's postcards.

Mr. Crisp hides the postcards away as you enter. "Where have you been?" he barks angrily. "Daydreaming again, eh? I've been looking everywhere for you!"

(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 1 out of 100.)

What next?


Time passes.

Mr. Crisp reaches under the service counter and pulls out a mysterious envelope. "We just got this Special Delivery," he snarls, tossing it onto the service counter. "I want you to drop it off right away. That means now!"

What next?

>get envelope

(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 6 out of 100.)

Mr. Crisp drums his fingers on the service counter impatiently. "Quit stalling, knucklehead! The Magick Shoppe closes at five o'clock!"

What next?


As you leave the Post Office, somebody slams and locks the door behind you.


What next?


Outside Cemetery

You're standing next to an open iron gate gate that leads west into the Festeron Cemetery. A road runs east to the top of Post Office Hill.

What next?


The cemetery is a spooky place. Are you sure you want to go in there?

(Please type Yes or No.)


You have been warned.

Creepy Corner

You're in a creepy corner of the Festeron Cemetery, surrounded by silent tombstones. An iron gate opens to the east, and a narrow lane wanders north.

What next?


Spooky Copse

A copse of willow trees makes this part of the cemetery look really spooky. Narrow lanes wander south and west.

There's an open grave nearby, freshly dug, with a tombstone erected next to it.

An old gravedigger is resting under a willow tree.

The gravedigger nods a greeting as you approach.

What next?

>show envelope to man

The gravedigger peers at the address on the mysterious envelope. "Hmm," he mutters, handing it back to you. "Could've sworn I buried that old woman years ago."

(You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)

"Nice grave-diggin' weather we're havin' lately," the gravedigger notes drily.

What next?


Time passes.

"Got to go," says the gravedigger, picking up his shovel. "See you soon."

The old man ambles away to the west.

(You won't see the "What next?" prompt any more.)


Open Grave

You're at the bottom of an open grave, surrounded by six-foot walls of dirt.

There's an old bone here.

>get bone


(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 7 out of 100.)


With great difficulty, you manage to climb out of the open grave.

Spooky Copse


Creepy Corner

Whew! That cemetery sure is spooky.

Outside Cemetery




Outside Cottage

You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the town librarian. The road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post Office Hill.

As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the tiniest poodle you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street, yapping angrily and showing its sharp little teeth.

You can smell the poodle's hot breath as it yaps.

>drop bone

The poodle tests the old bone with its tongue, lies down and begins to gnaw on it, keeping a red eye on you.

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 10 out of 100.)


The poodle yaps a threat as you back away.

Rotary South

This is the south side of the Festeron Rotary. A road branches south, towards Post Office Hill.

The Festeron Public Library, famous for its museum of local historic artifacts, stands proudly on the nearby corner.

Miss Voss, the town librarian, is locking the library door as you approach. "Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaims, smiling brightly.


Time passes.

Miss Voss retrieves a violet slip of paper from the depths of her purse. "Be a sweetie and give this note to your dear boss, Mr. Crisp," she coos, holding the note out to you. "I'd be ever so much obliged."

>examine librarian

She's holding a purse and an armful of books.

>talk to librarian

"I'm in a hurry. Let's talk later," she replies.

>enter library

"I leave early on Fridays," explains Miss Voss.

>get note


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 13 out of 100.)

Miss Voss hurries away down the street. "Thanks! Toody-loo!"



You are standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Festeron Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a shallow marble fountain, filled with sparkling water.

A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.

>examine fountain

You can see a gold coin and a goldfish in the fountain.

>get coin


(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 14 out of 100.)


Rotary North

This is the northern side of the FesteronRotary. A road leads north, towards the river.

On the corner stands a quaint village church. Its little white steeple is straight out of a country postcard. The church door stands open invitingly.


South of Bridge

This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.



You're on a covered bridge that spans the Festeron River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.


North of Bridge

This is the north side of the Festeron Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.


Cliff Bottom

You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of the river. A steep trail winds upward.

A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.


(The trail you're climbing is narrow and twisty. It's a good idea to draw a map as you go up.)

Steep Trail

A steep, rocky trail winds west and downward.


Steep Trail

A steep, rocky trail winds north and east.


Steep Trail

A steep, rocky trail winds south and upward.


Steep Trail

A steep, rocky trail winds east and downward.


Steep Trail

A steep, rocky trail winds south and west.


Steep Trail

A steep, rocky trail winds north and upward.


(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 15 out of 100.)

Cliff Edge

You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward. Looking southwest, you can see the shadow of Post Office Hill creeping across the village as the sun sinks into a bank of clouds.

The peaceful scenery is disturbed by a tiny figure emerging from the distant Post Office. It stares in your direction for a few moments, checks its wrist and shakes a threatening little fist at you.

A little old-fashioned store stands nearby. Its brightly painted shutters and thatched roof remind you of something out of a fairy tale. A curiously painted sign over the front door reads, "Ye Olde Magick Shoppe."

>open door

A concealed bell tinkles merrily.

Okay, the Magick Shoppe door is now open.


Magick Shoppe

You're in the front showroom of the Magick Shoppe.

Every inch of wall space is crowded with magic tricks, puzzles and mystical paraphernalia. A glass case offers a selection of obscene jokes and naughty birthday cards.

In the corner stands an ancient grandfather clock, its dial ornamented with a sneering crescent moon and other celestial symbols.

The front door of the Magick Shoppe is wide open. At the west end of the room, you can see another exit concealed by a curtain.

A sudden gust of wind slams the Magick Shoppe door closed. A concealed bell tinkles merrily.

"Just a moment!" cries a voice behind the curtain.


Time passes.

The noisy tick of the grandfather clock is making you uneasy.


Time passes.

The curtain opens so quickly it makes you jump.

The woman standing before you is older than your oldest aunt. Her thin, pale face and bony hands make her look fragile, like a fading signature in an antique book. But her eyes remember everything they have ever seen.

You appraise one another for a long moment before she breaks the ice. "Welcome in, welcome!" she chortles. "Don't get many visitors this late in the day."

The room seems oddly quiet all of a sudden.

>give letter
(to the old woman)

(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 20 out of 100.)

The old woman turns pale as she takes the mysterious envelope from you. "It's been a long, long time since I last saw this handwriting," she murmurs, turning it over in her hands. "Hoped I never would again."

She starts to open the mysterious envelope, thinks better of it and hands it back to you. "Will you open it up and read it to me?" she pleads. "I'll never find my glasses in this mess."

(You are again holding the mysterious envelope.)

>open envelope
(You should now open the mysterious envelope in yoru Wishbringer package.)

Opening the mysterious envelope reveals a letter.

"Read the letter to me. I'm waiting."

>read letter
(to the old woman)

(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 21 out of 100.)

The old woman is motionless as you read. Glancing up, you see tears of anger forming; but she turns away as your eyes meet.

"Kidnapped," she whispers after a long silence. She paces aimlessly around the room, deep in thought.

"Many seek to gain the Stone of Dreams," she mutters, mostly to herself. "Yet few can imagine the price. For years I have fought to conceal it from the Evil One and others like her. My youth, my home and family, all were forfeited for its protection. And now," her voice breaking with emotion, "now it claims my only companion."

Impulsively, the woman snatches away the letter and envelope and crumples them in her trembling hands. "No one is strong enough to guard Wishbringer alone."

>ask woman about wishbringer

"That's a long story," sigh the old woman wistfully. "Maybe later."

The old woman makes an effort to compose herself.

"Thank you for coming all this way for me," she says, reaching up to a shelf full of cheap gags. "I know I'm not supposed to tip you, but take this little trinket anyway."

The woman holds out a small metal can for you to take.

>get can


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 24 out of 100.)

"It's getting Dark outside," the old woman remarks, and you can almost hear the capital D. "Maybe you should be getting back to town."

>examine can

It's a round metal can with a closed lid, illustrated with a tasty-looking assortment of mixed nuts.

>open can

Yow! When you open the can a three-foot plastic snake springs out! It hits you in the nose and lands harmlessly at your feet.

"Oldest trick in the book," remarks the old woman, chuckling despite herself. "Try it next time you want to get rid of somebody." She stuffs the snake back into the metal can, closes the lid and hands it back to you.


The Magick Shoppe door is closed.

The old woman hobbles over to the Magick Shoppe door and opens it. A concealed bell tinkles merrily.

"Keep a sharp eye out for my cat, won't you?" She speaks the words slowly and distinctly. "Bring her to me if you find her. She's black as night from head to tail, except for one little white spot... right here."

The old woman touches the middle of your forehead with her finger. The light outside dims suddenly, like a cloud passing over the sun.


Your body seems unwilling to respond.

The old woman takes away her finger. Your forehead is tingling.

"The Stone of Dreams can help you in your search. I cannot reveal the place where I have hidden it, for the Evil One would see your thoughts and take the treasure for herself. You must discover it alone, and rely on legends to instruct you in its mysteries."

As she speaks, the old woman gently leads you through the door of the Magick Shoppe. She pauses before closing the door.

"Return the cat to me, and Wishbringer shall be yours.

"Her name is Chaos."

A concealed bell tinkles merrily.

Cliff Edge

You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward.

The surrounding landscape has disappeared under a thick blanket of evening fog. All the familiar buildings and landmarks are completely hidden; only the summit of Post Office Hill is high enough to pierce the cloud, rising like a lonely island in a sea of mist ...

... an island with a tower on it.

There's a Tower where the Post Office used to be! The massive outline is hard to make out against the twilight sky. But the longer you stare, the clearer and more frightening it becomes.

The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.


As you descend the trail you are immediately engulfed in ...


You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.



You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.



You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.



You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.



You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.



You're lost in a thick cloud of fog.


A sudden gust of wind dissolves the fog and clears your vision.

Cliff Bottom

You're at the bottom of a cliff that rises up from the north bank of the river.

A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment. A vulture perched on top is watching every move you make.


The vulture spreads its wings and soars away over your head.

North of Bridge

This is the north side of the Witchville Bridge. Sheer cliff walls rise abruptly to the north and west. A path wanders east along the shore of the river.

A rickety toll gate has been thrown up across the entrance to the covered bridge. A handpainted sign is nailed to the middle of the closed gate.

Standing near the toll gate is an ugly, gnomelike creature. A less original story would probably refer to it as a troll.

>open can

Yow! When you open the can a real, live rattlesnake leaps out! It squirms about angrily for a few moments, turns to hiss at you and slithers out of sight.

The metal can clatters to the ground.

A scream of terror echoes off the cliffs as the troll runs away across the covered bridge.

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 27 out of 100.)

>get can


>look in can

The metal can appears to have a false bottom. You could probably get it out by squeezing the can.

>squeeze can

The false bottom is wedged tightly into the metal can. You might be able to loosen it by squeezing harder ... harder!

Pop! A small stone drops out of the squashed can and lands at your feet.

>get stone


(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 32 out of 100.)

As your fingers close around the small stone it begins to glow with an eerie violet-white radiance.

>drop can


>open gate

Okay, the toll gate is now open.


Cliff Bottom

A gnarled tree trunk stands nearby, a lone branch its only adornment.


You're holding a small stone (providing light), a gold coin and a violet note.

>get branch

Crack! The dead branch snaps off the gnarled tree trunk and falls to the ground with a thud.

>get branch



North of Bridge

There's a squashed can here.



You're on a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. A sign hangs on an arch overhead.

>read sign

Entering Witchville

Curfew Begins At 6 PM

Boot Patrol On Duty

Violators Will Be Jailed!


South of Bridge

This is the south side of a covered bridge that spans the Witchville River. Paths lead off to the east and west, and a road leads south to the village.


River Outlet

This is where the lake empties into the Witchville River. A road leads south along the edge of the lake, and bends east to follow the river bank. A narrow trail leads upward to the top of Lookout Hill.


Lake Edge

You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see a closed iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.

Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.

You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake. Animal tracks are visible in the sand next to the pit. You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.

>put branch in pit

Okay, the dead branch is now standing up inside the pit.

The platypus grabs onto the bottom of the dead branch with its forepaws.

A rusty "click!" draws your eyes to the iron gate. You watch as it slowly creaks open, all by itself!

>get branch


(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 37 out of 100.)

The platypus hangs on to the dead branch as you pull it out of the pit. It lets go when the branch clears the edge and waddles joyfully around on the sand.

The little creature draws an "X" in the sand with its tail. Then it gives you an oddly dignified nod of thanks, waddles to the edge of the lake and disappears into the dark water.

>drop branch


>examine sand

You can see an "X" drawn in the sand.

>dig in sand

You discovered a silver whistle in the sand under the "X"!

>get whistle


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 40 out of 100.)

>examine whistle

The silver whistle is shaped like a platypus, and twinkles with gentle Magick.

>blow whistle

A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.

The silver whistle's music echoes over the lake, rippling the water with gentle Magick. A sudden gust of wind blows through your hair. You can see the soft outline of Misty Island drawing closer as you streak across the waves ...

Misty Island

You're standing on a fog-shrouded beach. Sheer cliff walls rise to the north and south, and the dark waters of the lake stretch eastward.

To the west stands a magnificent castle, its parapets rising high into the mist. Golden light streams invitingly through the open entrance. You can hear friendly voices and music inside.

The vulture hovers high overhead.


Throne Room

You're standing in a long, high-ceilinged chamber. Hundreds of platypuses are milling about with teacups in their paws, their faces illuminated by a roaring fireplace.

At the far end of the chamber stands a mighty throne. It's occupied by a snow-white platypus with a gold crown on its head and a jeweled scepter in its paw. On the floor near the throne is another crowned platypus ... the same one you rescued from the pit.

The crowd falls silent as you enter.

"Welcome, brave Adventurer," says the white platypus, rising from its throne to greet you. "I am Anatinus, King of Misty Island. My court thanks you most humbly for rescuing the life of my daughter, Princess Tasmania. Great would our sorrow have been if not for your cunning."

The crowd applauds politely, and Princess Tasmania blushes.


Time passes.

"My messengers have told me of your quest," continues King Anatinus. "Allow me to repay your kindness with words of advice."

The old platypus motions you to his side. "The Tower of the Evil One is formidable," he begins in a low, serious voice. "You will never get inside unaided. Legends speak of a Magick Word that can open the gates of the Tower. But what Word it is, none can say."

The king reaches beneath his throne and takes out a small wizard's hat. "Take this," he says, holding it out to you.

>get hat


(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 41 out of 100.)

"Take it to the sea," King Anatinus whispers as you turn the hat in your hands. "There you will find a creature learned in the lore of Magick. Heed him well! In his wisdom lies your only hope."


Time passes.

A fanfare of trumpets breaks the silence, and the crowd falls to its knees.

"Good luck to you, brave Adventurer!" cries King Anatinus, bowing deeply. "Now blow into the silver whistle one more time, and deliver us from the horror of the Evil One."

The platypuses look at you expectantly.

>blow whistle

A sudden gust of rises out of nowhere, and Misty Island falls away beneath your feet. You feel the silver whistle slip from your hand as you streak across the lake ...

Lake Edge

You're on the sandy shore of the lake. A road heads east towards the village, and another runs north along the edge of the lake. Looking south, you can see an open iron gate leading into the Witchville Cemetery.

Misty Island, its outline shrouded in fog, is visible far across the water.

You can see a narrow pit near the edge of the lake.

A dead branch is lying on the ground.


River Outlet


Lookout Hill

You're standing at the summit of a high, barren hill. Looking east, you can see Witchville Village nestled among the trees. A narrow trail winds down the north side of the hill, towards the river.

Crowning the hill is the stump of what must have been a very large and majestic oak tree.

A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.

>examine stump

The stump is huge, easily four feet across. Looking closely, you notice that the edge of the stump is hinged.

>open stump

Lifting the hinged top of the stump reveals a round hole leading downward into darkness.



You're in a damp underground chamber. Long, smelly tunnels wander away to the south and east.

The surrounding walls are almost obscured by the roots of a mighty tree. Feeble light streams in from an opening overhead.

>drop all except stone

The wizard's hat: Dropped.
The gold coin: Dropped.
The violet note: Dropped.



You're in a damp underground chamber. Long, smelly tunnels wander away to the north and east, and there's a dark hole in the south wall.



You're in a dark underground chamber. Long tunnels wander away to the north and west.

A dark, narrow hole is visible overhead.

>examine hole

The hole is blocked by something overhead. It looks like the underside of a bed or bunk.

>move bed

Okay, you moved the bunk away from the hole.

Faint light streams in from overhead.


With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.

Jail Cell

You're locked inside a damp, uncomfortable jail cell. Its thick steel door and stone walls offer little hope for escape.

The only furnishing is a hard bunk in the middle of the floor with a thick blanket on it.

There's a dark, narrow hole in the floor.

>get blanket


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 44 out of 100.)


With great effort, you manage to squeeze yourself into the hole.




You're in a dark underground chamber. Cold tunnels wander away to the south, east and west.


Grue's Nest

You have stumbled into the nesting place of a family of grues.

Congratulations. Few indeed are the adventurers who have entered a grue's nest and lived as long as you have.

Everything is littered with rusty swords of elvish workmanship, piles of bones and other debris. A closed refrigerator stands in one corner of the nest, and something ... a small, dangerous-looking little beast ... is curled up in the other corner.

The only exit is to the west. Hope you survive long enough to use it.

Snoring fitfully, the little beast turns away from the light of the small stone and faces the wall.

>put blanket on grue

Okay, the little beast is now covered with the thick blanket.

The creature stirs restlessly for an anxious moment. Then it settles into the comfortable darkness of the thick blanket, sighs gently and lies still.

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 47 out of 100.)

>examine fridge

A label on the refrigerator reads, "Frobozz Magic Grue Refrigerator Company."

>open fridge

A light inside the refrigerator goes out as you open it.

Opening the refrigerator reveals a bottle and an earthworm.

>get worm


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 50 out of 100.)

The earthworm squirms with annoyance at your touch.



You can see a violet note, a gold coin and a wizard's hat here.

>get all

The violet note: Taken.
The gold coin: Taken.
The wizard's hat: Taken.


Lookout Hill

A horseshoe is lying in the grass near the stump.

>get shoe



River Outlet


South of Bridge


Rocky Path

You're on a rocky path that runs east and west along the banks of the Witchville River. A shimmering trail leads south into a dense forest.



This is where the river empties into Witchville Bay. A path leads west along the riverbank.

A broken-down old lighthouse, barely ten feet high, stands blinking on the shore nearby.

Perched on top of the lighthouse is a pelican, watching you through half-closed eyelids.

>give hat to pelican

The pelican sniffs the wizard's hat suspiciously. Its eyes open wide with interest, and the wizard's hat quickly finds a place on the pelican's head. Then the old bird gives you a sly, knowledgeable wink.

All at once the lighthouse blazes to life! Its shining beacon whirls like a gyroscope, and a pencil-thin beam of light pierces the sky and traces a word on a passing cloud: "Kaluze."

The pelican spreads its wings and soars away over the bay. As the beam of the lighthouse fades, a voice in your head whispers, "Good luck, brave Adventurer!"

(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 55 out of 100.)


Rocky Patch


South of Bridge


Rotary North

This is the northern side of the Witchville Rotary. A road leads north, towards the river.

On the corner stands a broken-down old church that looks as if it hasn't been used for years.



You're standing in a circular park, surrounded by the Witchville Rotary. Walks converge from four directions on a neglected marble fountain, filled with greasy water.

A statue stands in the middle of the fountain.

>examine founatin

You can see a brass token and a piranha in the fountain.


Rotary North


Time passes.

You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the east.


Time passes.

You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the south.


Rotary East

You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches off to the east, towards the bay.

On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the entrance, and a marquee announces the current feature.

Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.

You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.


Time passes.

The vulture begins to hover high overhead.


Time passes.

You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.

>examine marquee

Now Playing!
The One is Watching!
The Evil One
Amazing 3-D!

>examine librarian

Her once kindly features have grown hard with cynicism.

>talk to librarian

"I'm here to sell tickets, not to chatter," she replies.



You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the north.

>give worm to fish

It lands in the fountain with a splash.

The piranha snatches away the worm and swims to the far side of the fountain to devour it.

>get token


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 58 out of 100.)


Rotary East


Pleasure Wharf

You're standing near the remains of the Pleasure Wharf. The Wharf extends eastward into Witchville Bay.

To the south stands a ramshackle old building. Colorful lights, curious electronic sounds and a neon sign beckon you through the open entrance.

A big mailbox is nearby.

A voice behind you growls, "Feed me!" You turn to face the sound, but there's nobody here except you.


Time passes.

You watch with astonishment as the lid of the big mailbox slowly opens by itself, then snaps shut with a clang.


Rotary East




Rotary South

This is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south, towards Post Office Hill.

The Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair.


Rotary East


You're on the eastern side of the Witchville Rotary. A street branches off to the east, towards the bay.

On the corner nearby stands a sleazy little movie theater. Showtimes and admission prices are listed on a schedule near the entrance, and a marquee announces the current feature.

Miss Voss, the former town librarian, is peering at you suspiciously.

>give coin to librarian

Moss Voss snatches away your gold coin with her bony fingers and hands you a ticket.

(You are now holding a ticket.)

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 61 out of 100.)


Theater Lobby

You're standing in the lobby of the movie theater. A short corridor leads north into darkness. Sound effects and music can be heard drifting down the corridor.

The gravedigger is standing near the corridor, a large cardboard carton at his feet.

>examine gravedigger

No doubt about it. He's the town gravedigger, looking stiff and uncomfortable in his new usher's uniform.

>give ticket
(to the gravedigger)

The gravedigger takes the ticket, gestures absently to the empty carton and leans back to daydream.

>examine carton

The open carton is marked, "Free 3D Movie Glasses Here!"

>look in carton

It's empty. The gravedigger sees your disappointment, shrugs and mumbles something unkind about newfangled thingamabobs.


The gravedigger nods as you pass.

Inside Theater

This is a movie theater unlike any you've ever seen! The seats are wide, deep and comfortable. The aisles are spotless. The air is clear of smoke, and the screen is dramatically large. A chill goes up your spine as you realize how alien your universe has become.

There's a noisy movie playing on the screen. A dark corridor leads out to the lobby.

All you can see on the screen is a confusing double-image.


Done. The seat is even more comfortable than it looks.

The screen image is a meaningless blur of colored light.

>look under seat

Hmm. This place isn't completely spotless. You just discovered a used pair of 3D glasses under a seat.

The picture on the screen is fuzzy and hard to watch.

>get glasses


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 64 out of 100.)

The screen image is a meaningless blur of colored light.

>wear glasses

Wow! As you put on the glasses the picture on the screen fuses into a solid, 3-dimensional image. The movie screen shows an evil woman squinting through an antique telescope. A laboratory full of bubbling 3D chemicals is visible in the background.

>watch movie

A 3D vulture lands on the woman's shoulder and croaks a secret into her ear. An evil eyebrow rises slowly as she listens.


The old woman swings the 3D antique telescope around (narrowly missing your nose) and peers into it again. A point-of-view shot reveals what the 'scope is focused on: a small movie theater, remarkably similar to the one you're in right now.


The antique telescope zooms in on the entrance to the movie theater. A dead ringer for Miss Voss looks up and waves timidly at the camera.


The old woman stalks across the lab to a panel of heavy-duty power switches. As the camera follows, you catch a fleeting 3D glimpse of a black cat sleeping in the corner of the lab.


The old woman selects a power switch labeled "Palace Theater" and opens it with a diabolical cackle. A 3D arc of electricity leaps from the screen, and a shower of sparks seems to engulf the movie theater ...

Poof! The image on the screen goes black. The soundtrack slowly grinds to a halt.

>remove glasses

Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.

>get up
(Presumably, you mean off the seat)

With a reluctant sigh, you rise from the comfortable seat.


Theater Lobby


Are you sure you want to leave the movie theater? The gravedigger might not let you in again without another ticket!

(Please type Yes or No.)


"Come again!" sneers the gravedigger as you leave.

Rotary East

Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Miss Voss squinting carefully at the gold coin you gave her. She looks at you suspiciously, picks up a telephone and begins to dial rapidly.

You can hear the tramp of marching boots to the west.

>examine librarian

Miss Voss is talking urgently with someone on the phone. She doesn't take her eyes off you for a moment.

>examine librarian

Miss Voss hangs up the phone and looks at you with triumph in her eyes.


Pleasure Wharf

A big mailbox is nearby.

The lid of the big mailbox opens again. "I'm hungry!"


Video Arcade

This old building is the home of a sleazy arcade, lined with coin-op video games. The machines are crowded with half-crazed, stunted humanoids, who pay no attention to you as they satisfy their thirst for electric violence.

One machine in the corner appears to be deserted.

A sign on the wall says, "All Games One Token."

>examine humanoids

They have extraordinarily supple wrists, fast reflexes and tiny brains.

>examine machine

The game machine is equipped with a video screen, a joystick, a big red button and a narrow slot for tokens. A lurid logo ("Transmatter!") is painted on the side.

>examine screen

The video screen displays a map of Witchville Village. A grid divides the map into 13 squares. The words "Insert Token To Play" are scrolling across the top of the screen.

>put token in machine

The brass token disappears into the slot.

Ding! You hear a pleasant electric chime, and a blinking star appears on the video screen.

(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 65 out of 100.)

(This might be a good time to save your story position.)

>examine screen

The video screen displays a map of Witchville Village. A grid divides the map into 13 squares, and a blinking star is centered over one of the squares.

(You'll find the map inside your Wishbringer package.)

>examine star

The blinking star is now centered over square E-3 on the map.

>move joystick west

Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.


Bing! You moved the blinking star one square to the left.

>move joystick south

Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.


Bing! You moved the blinking star one square downward.

>press button

Are you sure you want to push the big red button?

(Please type Yes or No.)


The stunted humanoids in the arcade snicker hold their breath as your hand touches the flashing button. This might be a trap! You don't really want to press that big red button, do you?

(Please type Yes or No.)


(Hope you saved your story position.)

A sudden power drain makes all the other games in the arcade go dim. Blue sheets of energy leap from the game machine, surrounding you in an incandescent aura. You can feel your molecules being taken apart one at a time, analyzed, modulated and broadcast through space. It is not a pleasant sensation.


You're on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville.

A tower stands in bleak silhouette against the moonlit sky. It rises a hundred feet above a barren plateau, and is encircled by a deep moat. The only entrances are a closed drawbridge and a dark window near the top.

Roads run down the hill to the east and west. There's a signpost nearby.

A synthetic voice says, "Game Over. Insert Token To Play Again."

(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 70 out of 100.)


With a great creak of wood and rattle of chains, the drawbridge slowly lowers across the moat.

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 73 out of 100.)

(This might be a good time to save your story position.)



You're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A short corridor leads south, into the tower.

"Turn back, brave Adventurer!"

You stare in horror at the platypus chained to the floor. It's Princess Tasmania!


Uh-oh! Somebody's closing the drawbridge!

"Behind you!" cries the Princess. "It's a trap!"

Too late. The drawbridge crashes shut against the tower wall. You turn to face your enemy, and find yourself staring into the open maw of ... Mr. Crisp!

"Nice of you to drop by," he sneers as a gigantic Boot pins you to the ground. "Saves me the bother of tracking you down."

Torture Chamber

You're chained up in the corner of a dim, stuffy chamber, deep within the bowels of the tower. The walls gleam with obscure medical instruments, and a diabolical torture machine occupies most of the opposite corner.

Princess Tasmania is clamped into the torture machine!

A ladder rises to meet a hatch in the middle of the ceiling.

Mr. Crisp is fondling the instruments, one by one.


There's no exit that way.

Mr. Crisp dangles a rusty key in front of your face. "This is the key to your chain," he announces. "Say goodbye to it." He drops the key into his coat pocket and laughs like a madman.

"Your laughter is like one gone mad!" notes Princess Tasmania observantly.

"Silence!" He grips a control lever on the torture machine. "One more peep, your Highness, and I'll push this lever up and reward your insolence with Pain!"

>give note to crisp

Mr. Crisp takes the violet note and stares at it. His face turns pale. "Where did this come from?" he whispers, opening it.

An unbearably sweet expression spreads over his face as he reads. The violet note falls from his hands.

"I've got to run," Mr. Crisp cries, tossing his white lab coat into a corner and stuffing his shirttails into his pants. "Violet scolds me when I'm late!" He struggles into a hideous velvet blazer, pushes a comb through his hair and scampers up the ladder like a little boy.

The hatch closes with a hollow thud.

>get coat

The chains cut painfully into your wrist as you strain to grasp the white lab coat. Your fingertips brush against the collar ... There! You got it!

You hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.

Princess Tasmania breathes a sigh with relief.

>search coat

You can see a rusty key inside the white lab coat.

You hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge closing.

Princess Tasmania strains against her clamps. "Release me from this torture machine, brave Adventurer! Only pull down this lever, and I shall be freed."

>get key


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 76 out of 100.)

"Please! Pull down this lever and set me free," cries Princess Tasmania.

>unlock chains with key

Okay, the chain is now unlocked and open.

(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 77 out of 100.)

>pull lever

The clamps on the torture machine retract, and Princess Tasmania leaps off. She's free!

"Again you spare my unworthy life, brave Adventurer." The platypus humbly licks your shoe, to your considerable embarrassment. "My father, King Anatinus, does not forget such kindness."

The little creature produces a silver whistle from her gown and blows into it gently. A clear, sweet note stills the night with its beauty.

"Your journey is not yet ended," she warns as a whirlpool of colored light envelops her. "But even if you fail, your deeds shall live forever in our legends. Have faith!"

When the colors fade, Princess Tasmania is gone.

>open hatch

The heavy hatch opens reluctantly.

>get note


>examine note

It's a folded sheet of pale violet paper, sealed with a dab of library paste. The name "Corky" is beautifully handwritten on the outside.

>read note

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 80 out of 100.)

The handwritten note says:


I've got a plate of fresh oatmeal cookies waiting for you. Come over around sixish, and I'll show you my collection of Byron first editions, etc. ...


PS: If my little poodle yaps at you, just say 'Alexis, heel' and she'll behave."


Round Chamber

You're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost beyond recognition.

In the corner is a open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder descending into gloom.

A corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward into the tower.



Everything around you appears fuzzy and blurry.

>wear glasses

Wow! As you put on the glasses the room fuses into a solid, 3-dimensional image.


The highest room in the tower is a laboratory, complete with bubbling chemicals and foul odors. An antique telescope is mounted near an open window to the north, and a control panel occupies most of the south wall.

The only exit is a damp stairway leading downward.

A black cat is sound asleep in the corner.

There's a broom here.

>examine panel

The control panel is equipped with two large power switches.

>examine first switch

The first switch is labeled, "Palace Theater," and is turned off.

>examine second switch

The second switch is labeled, "Security," and is turned on.

>turn off second switch

Okay, the second switch is turned off.

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 83 out of 100.)



Everything around you appears blurred and fuzzy.

>remove glasses

Okay, you're no longer wearing the pair of 3D glasses.

Round Chamber

You're in a round chamber at the very heart of the tower. The clammy stone walls are hung with a series of paintings, all the same size and identically framed. Years of neglect have blackened the art almost beyond recognition.

In the corner is a open hatch. Peering downward, you see a ladder descending into gloom.

A corridor disappears to the north, and a damp stairway winds upward into the tower.

>move painting

Moving aside one of the paintings reveals a metal crank attached to the wall.

>turn crank

As you turn the metal crank you hear the distant rattle of the drawbridge opening.

(Your score just went up by 1 point! Your total score is 84 out of 100.)



You're standing in a dimly-lit vestibule just inside the tower's entrance. The drawbridge is opened across the moat to the north. A short corridor leads south, into the tower.



The moment you take your foot off the drawbridge it swings up over the moat and closes with a mighty thud.


Outside Cottage

You're outside the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The road turns north toward the village, and bends upward to the summit of Post Office Hill.

As you approach the cottage you are greeted by the biggest hellhound you've ever seen in your entire life. It charges across the street, roaring angrily and showing its sharp, bloody fangs.

You can smell the hellhound's hot breath as it yaps.

>alexis, heel

Alexis pricks up her ears at the sound of her name. She sits obediently at your feet, gently licks your hand and thumps her big tail happily.

(Your score just went up by 5 points! Your total score is 89 out of 100.)

>open door

Okay, the cottage door is now open.


The hellhound thumps its big tail happily as you pass.


This is the cottage of Miss Voss, the former town librarian. The walls are lined with timeworn books and dusty, faded photographs. Looks as if nobody's lived here for a long time.

There's a dusty bookcase with a steel key on it near the open front door. Somebody has scrawled a message in the dust on the bookcase.

>examine message

The scrawled message is enclosed in a heart-shaped outline. It says,

Violet + Corky


>get key


(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 92 out of 100.)


Outside Cottage

A happy hellhound is thumping its tail nearby.


The hellhound thumps its big tail happily as you pass.

Rotary South


This is the south side of the Witchville Rotary. A road branches south, towards Post Office Hill.

The Witchville Public Library, once famous for its museum of local historic artifacts, stands in a pitiful state of disrepair on the nearby corner.

>unlock door with steel key

Okay, the library door is now unlocked and open.

(Your score just went up by 3 points! Your total score is 95 out of 100.)

(This might be a good time to save your story position.)


Circulation Desk

You're standing before a large desk at the library entrance. The top of the desk is almost hidden under a clutter of books, all grey with dust.

A dark corridor leads south into darkness. The library door stands invitingly open.


A sudden noise stops you in your tracks.

Bang! The library door slams shut. You hear a faint "click" as somebody locks it from the outside.

>examine books

The titles range from classics of world literature to forgotten hits of years long past. Dust covers them equally, regardless of merit.

>take books

You can't take any books. You don't have a library card.

>destroy books

That's no way to handle library materials!

>examine desk

Aside from the clutter of books, you see nothing on the circulation desk.

>unlock door with steel key

Unfortunately, the lock is on the outside.



Formerly a popular tourist attraction, the old Festeron Museum is in a sorry state. Many of the best exhibits have been carted away; the few remaining are sorely in need of renovation.

There's a glass display case in the corner. You can see a sculpture in the case.

>break case with horseshoe

Crash! You broke the display case open with the horseshoe.

>get sculpture


>examine sculpture

The black marble sculpture is about 14 inches high. It's exquisitely crafted in the likeness of a cat.

You can see a round, shallow hole carved into the forehead of the sculpture.

>put stone in hole

Wishbringer glows brighter as it nears the sculpture. It looks like it will fit perfectly into the black forehead.

"Wait!" commands a familiar voice.

You turn, and see the figure of an old woman standing in the darkness of the corridor.

"Your quest is ended, brave Adventurer," says the old woman. "The sculpture you hold is Chaos, the Cat Which Was Stolen. Now give Wishbringer to me, and together we shall rejoice in your success."

Do you still want to put Wishbringer into the sculpture?

(Please type Yes or No.)


"Don't!" barks the old woman as your hand moves closer to the sculpture.

Do you still want to put Wishbringer into the sculpture?

(Please type Yes or No.)



A blast of Magick shakes the building as Wishbringer touches the forehead of the sculpture. Violet sheets of energy, pure and brilliant, erupt from the very heart of the Stone and illuminate the room like daylight.

The woman's disguise evaporates in the glare. It's the Evil One, her mouth frozen open in a wail of despair as she fades into oblivion. The memory of that face will haunt your dreams as long as you live.

You feel the sculpture become soft and warm in your hands. It wriggles like a thing alive, leaps out of your arms and disappears into a vortex of color. The library folds around you like the closing of a great book ...

Cliff Edge

You're standing high on a rocky cliff, at the top of a steep trail leading downward. Looking southeast, you see a friendly orange sun rising from a bank of morning clouds.

Post Office Hill is visible, topped as usual by the Festeron Post Office.

The Magick Shoppe stands nearby.

A black cat is rubbing against your leg.

>examine cat

She's black as night from head to tail, except for one little white spot right in the middle of her forehead.

>knock on door

The door of the Magick Shoppe creaks open, and the old woman, dressed in a nightgown, stands blinking in the morning sun. "Who's there?"

The black cat leaps into the woman's arms. "Chaos!" she cries, laughing and sobbing all at once as the cat licks tears of joy from her face.

At last the old woman lowers Chaos to the ground and walks over to where you're standing, red with embarrassment.

"Now you know me for the old liar I am," she chuckles, clasping your hands gratefully in her own. "I promised to give you Wishbringer, knowing full well that, if you succeeded, its virtue would be lost.

"In truth, the Stone would make a poor reward," she continues, stooping to tickle the cat's white forehead. "As you can see, it brings more joy in the shape of a companion than in any other. This is Wishbringer's finest Magick. A pity that my sister, the Evil One, did not know of it."

The old woman touches the violet note in your hand. "Make sure you give this to Mr. Crisp when you see him," she says with a sly wink. "And tell him I said hello."

Cradling Chaos in her arms like a child, the old woman ambles back into the Magick Shoppe. "Farewell!" she calls from the closing door, and the sunlight makes her face look young. "Now you are a true Adventurer."

A concealed bell tinkles merrily.

Congratulations! You've finished the story of Wishbringer!

Your score is 100 points out of 100, in 191 moves.

Do you want to restart the story, restore a saved position, or quit?

(Type Restart, Restore or Quit.)




Wishbringer: The Magick Stone of Dreams is an interactive fiction computer game written by Brian Moriarty and published by Infocom in 1985. It was intended to be an easier game to solve than the typical Infocom release, and provide a good introduction to interactive fiction for inexperienced players. It was one of five top-selling titles to be re-released in Solid Gold versions including in-game hints. Craig Shaw Gardner novelized Wishbringer in the Infocom Book line.

The player's character is a postal clerk in the small fishing village of Festeron. The cranky postmaster, Mr. Crisp, orders the player to deliver an important envelope to the proprietor of Ye Olde Magick Shoppe. The proprietor in question, a kindly old lady, then asks the player to rescue her cat from a sorceress known only as The Evil One. Stepping out of the store, the player finds that quaint Festeron has mysteriously been transformed into a more sinister town called Witchville. Every aspect of Festeron has been changed to something ominous: for instance, what was once a poodle is now a frightening hellhound.

Fortunately, the player soon finds the Wishbringer, a magical stone that can grant seven wishes if a suitable object is used in conjunction. (To see the future, for example, the player must be wearing glasses and holding the stone.)

The seven wishes that can be granted by the stone are for advice, darkness, flight, foresight, freedom, luck, and rain. Each wish can only be used once per game, and requires that the player possess some related object. These objects and their relations to the wishes are described in the feelies (extra content included with the game in physical format), as a form of copy protection.

A few Infocom games featured puzzles with multiple solutions (for example, the "Loud Room" from Zork I). However, Wishbringer featured several such puzzles, many of which could be solved either in a straightforward (that is, non-magical) manner or by using one of the stone's wishes. The game can be successfully completed without using any wishes. Conversely, it is impossible to finish the game using all of the stone's wishes.




(Start on hilltop), IN (post office), EXAMINE MR. CRISP (he gives you an envelope to deliver), GET ENVELOPE, OUT, W, W (you are asked if you are sure you want to go into the cemetery), YES, N (an old gravedigger is here), EXAMINE GRAVEDIGGER (he notices the envelope you're holding and asks to see it), GIVE ENVELOPE TO GRAVEDIGGER (he looks at it and hands it back), EXAMINE GRAVE (see an old bone inside - the gravedigger leaves), ENTER GRAVE, GET BONE, OUT, W, GET UMBRELLA, E, S, E, E, E (outside cottage where you see a poodle), GIVE BONE TO POODLE, N, N (rotary south where you meet Miss Voss the town librarian), EXAMINE MISS VOSS (she asks you to give a note to Mr. Crisp), GET NOTE.

N (park), EXAMINE FOUNTAIN (see a gold coin and goldfish), GET COIN, W, IN (police station where you meet Sgt. McGuffin), EXAMINE SGT, EXAMINE WANTED POSTER, EXAMINE DESK (Sgt. McGuffin begins to snore), GET CHOCOLATE, OUT, E, E (a movie theatre is on the corner), READ SCHEDULE (of times and prices - evenings at 7 & 9 - all shows one gold coin), E, E (wharf's end - a seahorse has been abandoned here), GET SEAHORSE, THROW SEAHORSE INTO SEA, W, N (tidal pool), GET SHELL, N (lighthouse), S, S, S (video arcade where all games are one token), N, W, W, N, IN (church where you see a lit candle), OUT, N, W, S (lake edge), READ MESSAGE (do not disturb), N, E, N, N, E (cliff bottom), BREAK BRANCH.

U (steep trail), W, N, U, E, S, U (cliff edge where you see ye Olde Magick Shoppe), OPEN DOOR, IN, WAIT, WAIT (an old woman comes in), GIVE ENVELOPE TO WOMAN (she takes it then gives it back asking you to open it), OPEN ENVELOPE, READ LETTER, WAIT (she offers you a can), GET CAN, EXAMINE CAN (the old woman asks you to keep an eye out for her cat), OUT (the old lady tells you to return with the Wishbringer).


D (into the fog), N, W, D, S, E, D (cliff bottom), DROP SHELL AND UMBRELLA, GET BRANCH, W (north of bridge - a toll gate is south), S (a troll demands one gold coin), OPEN CAN (a rattlesnake leaps out and the troll runs away), GET CAN, SQUEEZE CAN (a small stone drops out), GET STONE, EXAMINE STONE (it glows), DROP CAN, OPEN TOLL GATE, S, S, W, S (lake edge), PUT BRANCH IN PIT (there is a click and the cemetery gate opens!), LIFT BRANCH (the platypus hangs on to the branch and lets go when clear of the pit - it draws an X in the sand), DROP BRANCH, DIG IN SAND, GET SILVER WHISTLE, BLOW WHISTLE (you cross to misty island), W (throne room), BOW TO KING (he gives you same advice and a wizard's hat), GET HAT (he tells you to take it to the sea), WAIT, BLOW WHISTLE (you are back at the lake edge).

E, IN (police station), WAIT, WAIT (it's past curfew and you're thrown in a jail cell), GET STONE AND BLANKET, MOVE BUNK (there's a hole in the floor), D, DROP BLANKET, U, GET ALL EXCEPT BUNK (note, coin, chocolate and wizard's hat), D, GET BLANKET, N, E (Grue's nest), PUT BLANKET ON BABY GRUE, OPEN REFRIGERATOR, GET BOTTLE AND EARTHWORM, W, W, PUSH STUMP, U (lookout hill), GET HORSESHOE.

N, E, E, S (west of house), EXAMINE MAILBOX (closed), OPEN MAILBOX (reveals a leaflet - the edges of the mailbox are beginning to twinkle and it will now follow you), N, W, S, S (park), EXAMINE FOUNTAIN (see piranha and a brass taken), PUT WORM IN FOUNTAIN (the piranha snatches it and swim to the far side), GET TOKEN, E, GIVE GOLD COIN (to Miss Voss - she hands you a ticket), IN (theatre lobby where you see the gravedigger), GIVE TICKET TO GRAVEDIGGER (he gestures towards an empty carton). EXAMINE CARTON (sign says free 3D glasses), IN (theatre but the screen is fuzzy), LOOK UNDER SEAT (find a used pair of 3D glasses), GET GLASSES, WEAR GLASSES (picture is no longer fuzzy), OUT, REMOVE GLASSES, OUT (are you sure you want to leave?), YES.

W, N, N, E, E (lighthouse), GIVE HAT TO PELICAN (he wears it - the lighthouse blazes to life and a beam of light traces the word SORKIN), W, W, S, S, E, E (pleasure wharf), EXAMINE BIG MAILBOX (the lid slowly opens), WAIT (the little mailbox throws itself at the big mailbox... they both disappear), S (video arcade), INSERT TOKEN IN MACHINE, EXAMINE SCREEN (displays a map of Witchville village), PUSH STICK WEST, AGAIN, PUSH STICK SOUTH, AGAIN, PUSH BUTTON (are you sure?), YES (really?), YES (there is a sudden power drain - you find yourself on a hilltop overlooking the seaside village of Witchville), SORKIN.

IN (vestibule just inside the tower entrance - the princess is chained to the floor), S (somebody closes the drawbridge - you find yourself chained in the torture chamber), EXAMINE MACHINE (it has a lever that can be pushed or pulled -Mr. Crisp dangles a key in front of you and drops it into his pocket), GIVE NOTE TO MR. CRISP (he drops the note and his lab coat before rushing off), GET COAT, EXAMINE COAT. LOOK IN POCKET, GET KEY, UNLOCK CHAIN WITH KEY, PULL LEVER (you free the princess), GET NOTE, READ NOTE (note the information about the poodle - say ALEXIS, HEEL and she'll behave), DROP NOTE, COAT AND KEY, OPEN HATCH, U, U (to Fuzziness), WEAR GLASSES (you are in a laboratory), EXAMINE CONTROL PANEL (there is two large power switches), TURN OFF SECOND SWITCH, GET BROOM, D, REMOVE GLASSES, EXAMINE PAINTINGS, LIFT PAINTING (reveals a metal crank), TURN CRANK (the drawbridge opens).

N, N, E (outside cottage), ALEXIS, HEEL (that's fixed the dog), OPEN COTTAGE DOOR, IN (to Miss Voss' Cottage), DROP GLASSES, GET STEEL KEY, READ MESSAGE, OUT, N, UNLOCK DOOR WITH STEEL KEY, IN (you are in the Library), S (the door is slammed shut and locked from the outside), S (museum), EXAMINE GLASS CASE (contains a sculpture), SMASH CASE WITH BROOM, DROP BROOM, GET SCULPTURE, EXAMINE SCULPTURE (likeness of a cat - there is a round shallow hole carved into the forehead), PUT STONE IN HOLE (the old lady appears and asks for Wishbringer - do you still wish to put it into the sculpture). YES (sure?), YES (a blast of magick shakes the building - the woman is the evil one… you find yourself on the cliff edge outside the Magick Shoppe), KNOCK ON DOOR.

C 0 N G R A T U L A T I 0 N S

You've finished the story of Wishbringer.

Your score is 100 points out of 100



Instruction Manual for Wishbringer

Welcome to the world of Infocom's Interactive fiction, a world where:

* You are the hero or heroine in a story,

* You use your own thinking and imagination to guide the story from start to finish.

* You meet other people, who may or may not help you, and

* You can go to new places, figure out mysteries and puzzles, and fight against enemies.

In Wishbringer, you're a postal clerk in a small seaside village called Festeron. You deliver a strange envelope to a magic shop, and discover that an old woman's black cat has been kidnapped by "the Evil One." The old woman asks for your help, and when you leave the magic shop, you find yourself trapped in a nightmare world. Your once-quiet town is now full of nasty trolls, vultures, fortress-like towers, and assorted wickedness. You become entangled in the struggle between Good and Evil; extraordinary help is found only in unusual places. Others seek to possess a magic stone of dreams known as Wishbringer; but only you can find it and use its powers to make your town safe again. And you only have a few hours!

If you're experienced with Infocom's interactive fiction, you may not feel like reading this entire manual. However, you should at least read about wishing for magic (on page 5). Also look at the appendix of recognized verbs (on page 8); some of them can be used in all Infocom stories, but others are special for Wishbringer. If you study the postal map (included in your package), you will know where you are and where you can go. That will make it easier to decide what to do next.


Communicating with Wishbringer

In Wishbringer, you type your sentence in plain English each time you see the prompt (>). Wishbringer usually acts as if your sentence begins "I want to...," although you shouldn't actually type those words. You can use words like THE if you want, and you can use capital letters if you want; Wishbringer doesn't care either way.

When you have finished typing a sentence, press the RETURN (or ENTER) key. Wishbringer will respond, telling you whether your request is possible at this point in the story and what happened as a result.

Wishbringer looks only at the first six letters of your words, and it ignores any letters after the sixth. So, LIBRARy, LIBRARies, and LIBRARian would look like the same word to Wishbringer.

To move around, just type the compass direction in which you want to go. You can use four compass directions: NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, and WEST. Or you can use these abbreviations: N, E, S, and W. You can also use UP (or U), DOWN (or D), IN and OUT. You don't need to walk around or turn around in a place; anything that you can see there is within your reach.

Wishbringer understands many different kinds of sentences. Here are several examples. You may not actually use these commands in Wishbringer, but you'll certainly use commands like them in the story.




Local History Series, No. 4

"The Legend of Wishbringer"

Reprinted by the Historical Museum of the Festeron Free Public Library

Violet Voss, Curator

[The title is printed over a background of two rectangles. The center rectangle
is lavender in color, and sits inside a larger rectangle filled with a light
lavender color. Below the title is a heart symbol, drawn in black. The inside of
the heart is filled in, but has a jagged crack running from the upper-right area
to the lower-left area. All around the heart are lines radiating outward, about
a quarter-inch in length, with longer lines at straight up, down, left and

The first letter in the title, "T", is an ornamental letter. The T has been
turned into a harp, with the strings running from the vertical stroke up and to
the top-right horizontal bar. On a traditional harp, the harpist would be seated
to the right of the harp, but on this harp, Princess Morning-Star is standing on
the left side, reaching over the top of the T to pluck the strings. This
ornamental letter is in black and white.]

Festeron Town Library bookplate


Please take care of me... library books belong to everyone.

[The bookplate contains a drawing at the top, above the area where the check-out
dates are stamped. The drawing of the Festeron library is done in the same style
and coloring as in Zork 1's "The Great Underground Empire: A History". The
library is two stories high and resembles a castle: the entrance is straddled by
two round towers with cone-shaped roofs that are slightly taller than the main
roof, and between them and above the entrance is another tower which has a
traditional flat roof. On the second floor are two skyways at the left and right
ends of the building, but we do not see which buildings these lead to.]

Local History Series, No. 4

A Moral History, in Verse, of the MAGICK DREAM-STONE recently unearthed by the
Society of Thaumaturgic Archaeology, and commonly known as WISHBRINGER,
including a substantial body of hitherto unpublished discoveries regarding the
mystical properties of said Artifact.

[Below the text is the same broken heart drawing as was on the front cover.]

Of Morning-Star's birth and great beauty and how she was abducted by the envious
Queen Alexis.

[The "I" that begins the text below is another ornamental letter, in color, as
are all further ornamental letters. The I stands in front of two people dressed
in hooded robes. The man on the left holds a baby in his arms, which appears to
be sleeping peacefully. The man person is bending over a cradle that contains a
surprised-looking baby. It is not clear if he has just put Queen Alexis' blind
daughter into the cradle, or whether he is about to pick Morning-Star up out of
the cradle. The cradle has a solid wooden frame and a curved base, allowing the
cradle to be rocked back and forth.]

It happened in the reign of mighty Anatinus, King of Misty Island, that there
was born into a peasant home a daughter, blessed with rare and perfect Beauty.
Morning-Star they named her; and the legend of her beauty spread through all the
kingdom, even to the court of Anatinus.

There beside the throne sat Queen Alexis, heavy-hearted. For her newborn
daughter, cursed by fate and prophecy, was sightless. Loth the Queen to look
upon her blind child's face! And how the baby Morning-Star more beautiful and
perfect, made her jealous!

Envy breedeth Evil: Queen Alexis caused the simple peasant home of Morning-Star
to burn. The sleeping family perished, all but Morning-Star, who, being rescued
by the Queen's design, became her daughter, sight restored by Prayer.

(The one true Princess, left behind to fill the vacant cradle, perished too, and
never saw her mother.)

Of Morning-Star's coming of age, and of the many knights who sought her fair
hand in Marriage.

[The ornamental letter "T" is the same one we first encountered, but in color.]

The years were kind to Morning-Star. Her beauty blossomed like the fragrant
water-lily into full, abundant maidenhood. Anon befell her ten-and-seventh

Anatinus made it known that whosoever might desire to win the hand of
Morning-Star, should now come forth to claim it. To prove his worth, the groom
must first by needs fulfill a Love-Quest, of the Queen's own choosing, according
to the custom of the kingdom.

Many were the eager knights who journeyed to the royal palace, hoping there to
win the love of Princess Morning-Star. Alexis, dark with envy, watched the lusty
swains descend like vultures 'round her daughter, and vowed in secret not to let
them have her.

From the knights assembled, Six were chosen, and stood before the heartless
Queen for testing.

[In the lower right corner of the page is a large picture of Princess
Morning-Star. She is dressed in a lavender dress with blue accent ribbons. She
wears a crown of roses and a cone-shaped hat on her head. Before her kneels one
of the knights. The knight is well-armed, for he bears a knife, sword and
shield, and wears scale mail on his legs. His cloak is of a red and white
checkerboard pattern, perhaps his family's colors. Three platypuses lay at
Morning-Star's feet.

Of the impossible Love-Quests devised by the crafty queen Alexis, and how the
six knights fared by them.

[Morning-Star has fallen to her knees, framed by the ornamental letter "O". Her
arms are spread out from her sides, her head tilted back in her anguish over the
demise of each of the knights.]

One brave knight, a lad but one-and-twenty, was sent across the sea to beg Lord
Nimbus, God of Rain, to quench the thirsting fields of Frotzen. But the God, not
sympathetic, smote his vessel with a bolt of lightning.

The second knight, a weapons-bearer, strong of limb and spirit, scaled the
mountain peak of Matter-Horn, to seek Advice from spirits. The hopes of Princess
Morning-Star fell with him.

A third knight ventured forth to try the fabled Wings of Icarus, and learn the
secret method of their Flight, to please Alexis. But alas! the joyful knight,
whilst soaring home to claim the Princess, flew into the open maw of Thermofax,
a Dragon.

Alexis sent the fourth knight deep into the Mines of Mendon, there to slay a
Grue, and drag the carcass up where all might see it. But Darkness overcame the
hapless knight, who, lost without a lamp, was soon Devoured.

Another knight, the fifth, directed by the Queen to steal the Cocoa-Nut of
Quendor, chanced upon a lair of hungry Implementors, and did not Foresee his

Lastly stood before the Queen a gentle boy, no older than the Princess.
Morning-Star liked well his beardless smile, and begged her mother not to test
his Luck to harshly. But Alexis caused the youth to spend an evening midst an
unclean Cemetery, from whence he ne'er returned; for eldritch Vapors carried him
away, and gave no reason.

[This chapter occupies two pages. At the bottom of both pages are the graves of
the six knights. In addition to the gravestone, each grave also is marked with
one or more items that the knights carried on their quests: sword, helmet,
dagger, lance and/or shield. The three platypi stand a sad and lonely vigil over
the graves.]

Of the Edict of Alexis, the demise of Morning-Star, and the discovery, many
years after, of a Magick Stone, called Wishbringer.

[In this ornamental letter "Q", we see Morning-Star in left profile. She is
still on her knees, but now has her face buried in her hands. The tears she is
crying are shown falling behind her. Each teardrop is many times larger than a
normal teardrop, symbolizing the depth of Morning-Star's sorrow.]

Queen Alexis cried, "Is no man in the kingdom fit to wed my only daughter?
Methinks she must remain unmarried, then, and Virgin all her days." So it was

Morning-Star hoped death might grant her Freedom from the Edict of Alexis, by
her mother's timely passing. But the Reaper (busy elsewhere with a Plague) heard
not her praying; so Alexis lived, and laughed, and watched her daughter's beauty
fade away, and all her Wishes dwindle in her bosom.

* * *

Many kingdoms after, when the reign of Anatinus was forgotten, and the names of
Morning-Star and Queen Alexis lost in Time, there came unto the Misty Isle a
Scholar, who, amid the crumbling tombs of monarchs, chanced upon the mortal
relic of the Princess. All was Dust, except her Heart, which, hard and shrunken
to a pebble in the grave, was shining brightly with the stifled Wishes of her

Thus, the Magick Stone of Dreams was discovered.

Of the Seven Wishes, and what ye must know to invoke them.

[The final ornamental letter places the letter "S" at the top of a small hill. A
platypus stands next to a simple grave with the letters "RIP" engraved on it.
Large fluffly clouds are visible in the sky, and part of an apple tree can be

Seven is the number of the Wishes bound into the Stone; and if ye speak a Wish,
that wish is Spent, and lost forever. Also know, that ye must hold the
Wishing-Stone within thy hands to wield its Magick. Look ye, then, upon the
Seven Wishes:

RAIN falls for only the bearer of the Stone who standeth under an Umbrella.

ADVICE may bring wise counsel to the bearer of the Stone who listeneth to

FLIGHT shall bear the Magick-wielder swiftly home, if ye be sitting on a

DARKNESS, blacker than the Night, shall fall across the land if Milk of Grue
thou drinkest.

FORESIGHT lifts the veil of Time, and shows the Future, but prepare thy eyes
with Glasses.

LUCK will bring good Fortune, if ye hold a Horseshoe and the Stone in thy

FREEDOM springs the dreamer from confinement, but mark well that ye first hath
eaten Candy.

[The bottom of the page shows how Morning-Star's heart hardened into the
Wishbringer. It starts out with a traditional heart symbol, drawn to indicate
that it was a three-demensional object rather than a flat picture, similar to
what a heart-shaped balloon would look like when inflated. The second part of
the picture shows the heart shrinking and turning to stone. The center still
glows with her Wishes, but now it more closely resembles the shape of an actual
human heart. The third part shows that her heart has fully turned to stone and
continued to shrink. The final portion shows that Morning-Star's heart has
shrunk to about half its original size, but now glows with a white light. This
glow is muted slighly since the heart is inside a closed red velvet pouch, but
the glow is bright enough to cause the velvet to be almost transparent.]


Now ye know the Origins and Magick of the Wishing-Stone. But know ye also, bold
Adventurer, that every problem ye encounter in thy travels may be also bested by
the spell of Logick. Exercise thy Brain, and work thy Wits! Forget ye not that
Morning-Star, a Princess, who threw away her Youth in easy Wishing, died in
vain. Let her fate be thy Warning.

Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur.



Who is Miss Voss?
1. She's in charge of the Festeron Town Library, curator of the Festeron Historical Museum, and author of the best-selling "Local History Series" of booklets, including The Legend of Wishbringer.
2. Aren't you glad you asked?

Why won't Miss Voss give me back my library card?
1. She doesn't like mail clerks.
2. She doesn't like you.
3. What library card?

What should I do with the violet note?
1. Miss Voss asked you to give it to your boss, Mr. Crisp.
2. But delivering the mysterious envelope is more important right now.
3. So give the note to Mr. Crisp after you deliver the envelope.

Who is "Corky"?
1. It might be the name of Miss Voss's poodle.
2. But why would Miss Voss write a note to her dog?
3. Since Miss Voss asked you to give the note to Mr. Crisp, and the note is addressed to "Corky," it's probably Mr. Crisp's nickname.

How do I get inside the Library?
1. Miss Voss probably has the key.
2. Unfortunately, Miss Voss isn't around any more.
3. You don't have time to fool around with the Library right now. The Magick Shoppe doses
at five o'clock!
4. Be patient; maybe you can get inside after you deliver the envelope.


How do I get into the Library?
1. Wait until Miss Voss opens it tomorrow morning.
2. Unfortunately, you haven't got time to wait. Looks like you'll have to unlock the front door somehow.
3. Miss Voss locked it earlier. Maybe she put the key somewhere.
4. Have you visited Miss Voss's cottage yet?
5. It's easy to get into the cottage once you tame the hellhound. (But that's another hint.)
6. The key to the Library is on Miss Voss's bookcase.

How can I see in the Library? It's Dark.
1. The candle is a source of light.
2. Too bad the candle fizzles out when the Library door doses.
3. Wishbringer is also a source of light.
4. If you haven't found the Stone yet, you're in trouble. But there is another way to see in the Library.
5. Have you examined the wizard's hat?
6. Have you looked inside the wizard's hat?
7. Have you dropped anything inside the wizard's hat?
8. Things you drop into the wizard's hat disappear. But they might turn up someplace else.
9. Things you drop into the hat appear in the Museum's display case.
10. DROP THE CANDLE INTO THE WIZARD'S HAT before it gets blown out. You can later retrieve the candle for use as a source of light.

Where's the key to unlock the circulation desk?
1. The steel key might work. After all, it unlocked the library door.
2. Then again, why should a door key work in a desk?
3. There is no desk key. You can't open the circulation desk.

How do I get the spider out of the Library books?
1. You'll have to pick up the books first.
2. You'll need a library card to take the books.
3. Shucks! You forgot your library card.
4. There isn't any spider in the library books.
5. Or anywhere else, either.

How do I open the glass display case in the Museum?
1. Did you try the rusty key?
2. Did you try the steel key?
3. Did you try the key in the circulation desk?
4. Did you read the above hint about unlocking the circulation desk?
5. You can't unlock the display case.
6. Force may be necessary.
7. You'll need a heavy object to break the case.
8. Try BREAK THE DISPLAY CASE WITH THE HORSESHOE. You can also use the broom, the umbrella, the conch shell, the bottle or the dead branch.
9. Naturally, you remembered to EXAMINE THE DISPLAY CASE before breaking it.
10. You must deactivate the security system before breaking the case.
11. The switch for the security system is in the Laboratory.

How do I get out of the library with the sculpture?
1. Try unlocking the door.
2. Lock's on the outside? Oh, well. Why not WISH FOR FLIGHT?
3. Nope, you're indoors. But you can still WISH FOR FREEDOM.
4. Not confined; eh? There must be another way out, then.
5. Have you tried to EXAMINE THE SCULPTURE yet?
6. Go on to the next hint.

What should I do with the sculpture?
1. Such a fine work of art should probably be examined.
2. Hmm. Seems to be a piece missing.
3. Have you tried to WISH FOR ADVICE?
4. Have you tried to WISH FOR FORESIGHT?
5. Something might fit into the forehead of the statue.

Who's the old woman in the Library?
1. She looks familiar, but somewhat fuzzy. What can you do to make fuzzy things clearer? PUT ON THE 3D GLASSES. Yipes!

How do I escape from the sinister being?
1. Just walk right past her. She won't mind.
2. Much.
3. You could try bribing her with something.
4. Maybe she'll accept that nice, glowing stone you're holding.
5. But if you want to finish the story, you won't give it to her.
6. Stop fooling around! Kill her before she turns you into something awful!
7. Too tough, eh? Maybe you should continue what you were doing before she interrupted.
9. Don't listen to her! PUT THE STONE INTO THE FOREHEAD!



Violet Voss was in charge of the Festeron Town Library, and curator of the Festeron Historical Museum (in the library) for many years. She began this career sometime before 1063 and continued beyond 1157. In the mid-eleventh century, the return of magic brought startling changes all over the world, even reaching to Antharia and the Misty Island near Festeron. Seeking interest in the stone Wishbringer that was discovered on the Misty Island in that era, Violet Voss was prompted to author "The Legend of Wishbringer" (circa before 1063 GUE). This book was part of the best-selling "Local History Series" of booklets. When written, Voss was uncertain if the legend was about humans or platypuses, but it was later confirmed to be about the second; thus many of the book's illustrations depict a mixture of the two races.

Violet lived to see the transformation of Festeron into Witchville by The Evil One in 1157 GUE. During these days, she lived in a tidy, happy-looking cottage at the southern end of Festeron Village naer Post Office Hill where she horded a great deal of books. Her only permanent companion was an incessant, pet poodle, Alexis.

Though sometimes wearing a bright friendly smile, Miss Voss was shrewishly sour, acted like she owned the world, and a servant of Gladys. Romantically involved with "Corky" Crisp, another minion of The Evil One, the two villians were unable to culminate their passions in the pure Festeron atmosphere. Thus they desperately hoped for Gladys' capture of Wishbringer to ensure that the eternity of the Witchville curse, where they would be free to commingle with each other without restrictions.

Sweetness and light could not exist in Witchville. Since Librarian Voss was already wicked in Festeron, she would only be more so in under the curse. It was only when the island had been turned to Witchville that she could allow her natural proclivities to reign free. With her, nastiness became an art.

The post office deliveries were schemes instigated br Mr. Crisp on behalf of Violet Voss (both who were acting in harmony with Gladys), hoping that each Witchville night the postman would be a failure and finally The Evil One would gain possession of her the stone. Frequently paired with her lover on Witchville nights to impede the current postal worker, she also operated The Witchvile's (the local theater) ticket booth. Together, Crisp and Voss were rarely successful at apprehending the current postman, most slipping through fingers that were more interesting in caressing one another than torturing their victims.

Voss played a role of significance that was actually an aid to the original postal worker. The afternoon prior to the first Witchville curse, she asked a favor for that mailman to deliver a personal note to Mr. Crisp. The delivery of this letter was halted because of the dawn of Witchville. It was only when that postal worker had raided Gladys' tower, was captured by Mr. Crisp along with Princess Tasmania, and sentenced to torture, that the letter was delivered. Mr. Crisp. Realizing that he was late for his appointment with Voss, Crisp departed without finishing his torture task, thus the postal worker and princess were able to free themselves. This was yet another evil plan foiled because of the unrestrained passion between the two villians.

Even when she was well over a century old, her body did not fade away at the rate of normal humans, and Mr. Crisp certainly did not have a problem with her countenance. Though her once kindly features grew hard with cynicism during the curse, it was only the postmaster who was able to rob her of her usual frown. During the reign of Simon, she would slip into her daring scarlet gown with its tight bodice and plunging neckline that emphasized her ample cleavage, its full, flared skirt and three-quarter sleeves. Her long, ebony tresses would be pulled back behind her head and caught within caught within the simple golden clasp, which was matched by the plain elegance of the large gold hoops she wore in either ear, earrings that gave her delicate, moon-shaped face a sense of mystery. Her thin mouth was fitted with perfectly full, red lips. Her dainty feet were set in elegant black open-toed heels that added three inches to her height and gave her legs the sleekness and contour of a gazelle in full flight. Long, tapered fingers were capped by fashion nails. This attire, especially the frilly, red taffeta gown, were more than enough to overwhelm Mr. Crisp, striking him helpless before her, until he would be forced by a power greater than intellect to rain kisses upon her. She also commonly prepared fresh oatmeal cookies for him.



Festeron Free Public Library, located at the south side of Festeron Circle is famous for its museum of local historic artifacts. Built sometime before 781 GUE, the library saw its most infamous curator by 1063, who continued to her duties there until well beyond 1157. The museum itself became a popular tourist attraction, containing many exhibits, such as a pair of enormous fossil mailboxes with their bones locked together in a pose of eternal combat.

The main door of the library was an impressive-looking double door, maybe ten feet high, made of polished maple with a lion's head carved in the center of each great panel. There was a bell, half hidden within the ivy-covered brick that surrounded the huge door frame. The entire library's interior, from the linoleum floor to the dark maple counter-top to the glass covering the framed pastoral prints, was shined to a high gloss. Sunless was able to pour in through a skylight in the ceiling.

The library was only open when Miss Voss said so. During the days of Simon the Postman, the library could not be opened due to certain changes that had to be made - long overdue renovations. Protected by a Frobozz Magic Burglar Alarm, the local police chief, Sergeant MacGuffin was quick to respond.

The library's address is:

Festeron Public Library
Festeron Village, Festeron WP3XC77LFD-XX663

When it was Festeron, the library was quiet, reserved, respectful. But when the place was part of Witchville, the proud builing was plunged into a pitiful state of disrepair. The wood-paneled walls and shining floors were reminding of a weather-worn pirate galleon. The exterior would be more ivy-colored than before, with thick, reddish-green thorny growth covering everything but the great wooden double door.

For the first curse of Witchville, Gladys turned Y'Gael's cat Chaos into a statue and placed it in the library museum. It was here that the unknown postal worker had the first confrontation with The Evil One.

TRIVIA: It may be of minor significance to note that prior to his descent into the Dungeon of Zork, the Second Dungeon Master checked out three books (the 778 GUE "FrobozzCo International Annual Report", "History of the Great Underground Empire", and "G.U.E. on 9 Zorkmids a Day") from the Festeron Free Public Library. These books, due back in 2/21/948 were long overdue by the time of his ascension, and it is uncertain if they were ever returned to the library.

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