Friday, March 8, 2013

Case Study No. 0836: Wayne Leung

nazi librarian from mr d
chinese librarian from cbc's mr d.
Tags: comedy teacher mrd
Added: 1 month ago
From: chrismccoymobile
Views: 33

[in the halls of Xavier Academy, school librarian Wayne Leung is confronting a male student]
MR. LEUNG: You have a book that's thirty days overdue.
[the student simply nods in a disinterested fashion, so Leung points a finger at him and continues to calmly lecture him]
MR. LEUNG: You are a disgrace to the human race. Book are knowle--
STUDENT: Whatever, sir. You'll get it when you get it, alright?
[he turns to leave, but Leung grabs him by the arm]
MR. LEUNG: [whispers] You will get me my book ...



Mr. D is a Canadian sitcom television series starring comedian Gerry Dee. The series follows the misadventures of a strange schoolteacher named Gerry Duncan, nicknamed Mr. D. It debuted on CBC on January 9, 2012. CBC has renewed Mr. D for a second season, that premiered January 7, 2013.

* Gerry Dee as Gerry Duncan, an under-qualified high school social studies teacher. Gerry prefers to be called Mr D by the kids and became jealous when the actual Mr D (Paul Dwyer) returns to the school.
* Booth Savage as Principal Mike Callaghan
* Jonathan Torrens as Robert Cheeley, Robert is the vice principal of Xavier Academy and tries to make himself bigger than others.
* Mark Forward as school librarian Wayne Leung (Wayne is white but was adopted by Chinese parents)



Wayne Leung is the stern librarian at Xavier Academy who has a vendetta against Gerry.

Leung became a librarian because he preferred books to people. Ironically -- and unfortunately -- he ended up as a school librarian where he is expected to interact with staff and students on a daily basis. He communicates as little as possible, snapping a little sometimes and parcels his words out one word at a time.



Mr. D | Jan 20, 2012 | 2:09
Issue 102 - Mr. Leung

Mr. Leung on adoption, dancing and being a librarian

"Yes, I run a tight ship here in the library, that's the way a library should be run."
"You smell that? It's residual childrens' fear."
"There's no penises in A Tale of Two Cities ... Moby Dick, it's in the name but he doesn't have seven, I can tell you that. I know the anatomy of a whale. They have one, it's very large, and it doesn't have a happy face on the end of it."
"People always say to me, aren't you afraid that the book will go extinct? And I say puh-shaw, because ... I don't normally swear, but that kind of talk. I mean, Dewey once said ... I'm sorry, Dewey from the Dewey Decimal System. Dewey Dauchenberger."
"Sure, I could do the Nutcracker like nobody, but my love of books brought me here ... and I really hurt my knee when I was twenty."

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