Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Case Study No. 0796: Unnamed Female Librarian (TOMS Shoes)

Fight! In University of Texas Library - TOMS
In the University of Texas library, a student attracts the attention of a handsome librarian... Wear your pride and do good at the same time with TOMS Campus Classics: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One.
Tags: +College +TOMS +Campus Classics +University of Texas +Sports +School Pride +Spirit +Cheer +One for One +toms shoes +giving back +footwear +conscious consumerism +Social responsibility
Added: 3 months ago
From: tomsshoes
Views: 3,920

[scene opens inside of the Perry-Castaneda Library on the campus of the University of Texas, as an attractive male student is sitting at a table while reading a book]
[an older female librarian (harrowed-looking, long stringy brown hair, cardigan sweater) enters the scene, then walks up behind him and puts her hands on his shoulders]
[cut to a closeup of the librarian as she walks over and takes off the student's shoes, then slips a pair of TOMS orange-and-white shoes onto his feet before putting a finger to his lips and walking away]
[cut to a closeup of the student (obviously creeped out by this encounter), when he suddenly relaxes and (seeming to notice how comfortable the shoes feel) puts his feet up on the table and continues reading as "Wear With Pride" appears on screen]
["Find your school at toms dot com slash campus-classics" appears on screen]


From texasexes.org:

New Longhorn TOMS Ad Goes Full Creepy | The Alcalde

Longhorns always wear their pride, from t-shirts to cowboy boots. But a new ad from TOMS Shoes has us wondering whether some burnt orange just shouldn't be worn.

TOMS - the company famous for donating a pair of shoes to those in need with every purchase - wants you to buy a pair of burnt orange and white shoes.

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