Friday, October 14, 2011

Grand opening coming this Monday!!!

Man, I know I'm going to live to regret this ...

For anyone who follows my Twitter feed, you know that I've been working hard to format and catalog my collection of librarian-related YouTube videos (I'm almost done with the "Movies" category); you also know that I'm right in the middle of another semester of graduate school, so I haven't really had the time to make a lot of progress on this project, at least not as much progress as I would've liked before officially launching this blog.

Well, it's come to the point where I realize that I'm not gonna start this thing up until at least 2027 if I wait around for everything to be absolutely perfect, so it's time to bite the bullet and just work with what I've got ... which is actually quite a lot, frankly.

Hopefully, I'll eventually get to the point where every YouTube video is ready for posting, but - until that time comes - I'll simply share with you all of the good material that I've already accumulated ... With that being the case, I'm happy (?) to announce that the Librarians on YouTube blog will officially launch on Monday (Oct. 17th)!

Believe me, there are a LOT of librarians to be found on YouTube, some familiar to mainstream pop culture enthusiasts, others you may be experiencing for the first time ... So join me on this bibliophile-themed journey, won't you? ;)

Remember, keep the URL bookmarked, because the fun begins this Monday (hopefully there will be three updates posted every weekday, that's my goal) ... See you then!

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